Ice climbing-Fashion Design

A Wedding Between Humans and Nature-Fight Global Warming


I was very inspired by this song——“Before My Time" by J. Ralph Feat. Scarlett Johansson & Joshua Bell from movie CHASING ICE, which one of my friend put this song up one day on the radio for me. I couldn’t forget the scene I pictured every time this song comes up in my mind. It was peaceful. I feel a fusion between the singer and her surroundings. Being very curious about what kind of a movie can have a song such pleasant, I went to see it.

The movie is a documentation which shows the rapid fading ice bergs. It is very much like a tragic love movie, portraying human chasing the lost loved ones—— Glaciers and Ice. I put this element into the making of this clothing collection. the collection is all about the fusion of man and nature. To embrace the Ice and have eternity.


The world is constantly changing and there are countless issues arise every second. Nature is our habitat and the fact that its condition is getting worse because of human activities brought me to reflect on my role in the phenomenon. It is my responsibility to care about the sustainability of our natural habitat and I am determined to incorporate my attitude of protecting our environment through my artworks. As a Changemaker, I will change the world through fashion by designing garments to bring positive influences on people’s awareness of nature and environmental issues such as global warming.

During the development of my collection, I found videos about ice climbers interacting with the glaciers and icebergs. They impressed me a lot with their gears, the movement they make in ice climbing, and their audacity. The relationship between the ice climbers and the glaciers make me think of the relationship between human and nature. The ice climbers and the glacier exist because of nature’s system of sustainability. The balance should be maintained or nither the ice climbers nor the beautiful landscape could be seen in the future anymore. With that in mind, I incorporated the ice climber’s interactions, their movement while conquering the glaciers, and their gears into my garment of wool felt glaciers in order to demonstrate and celebrate their closely bounded relationship. The morphing of the ice climbers and the glaciers in my designs showcases an almost wedding-like-relationship between humans and nature. I am hoping that people can cherish the beauty of this relationship and thus take action to fight global warming.


Soft Armor - Process


Juggernaut- Dota 2 Fan Art